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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-26 13:27:59浏览量:101


  Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。领带的清洗保养小知识:1、使用后请立即解开领结,并轻轻从结口解下,避免用力拉扯表布及内衬,以免纤维断裂造成永久性皱褶;2、领带每次戴完,结口解开后,请将领带对折平放或用领带架子吊起来,并留意放置处是否平滑,以免刮伤领带,用完后一般应悬挂在柜内,通风,防止被压;须干洗,并用低温熨烫;涤丝领带可用中性洗涤剂水洗,悬挂滴干,反面熨烫,切勿拧搅;如果不幸地领带被弄污了,您可用纸巾或手帕按在污迹上,把汁液吸干,记紧不可抹那些污迹,因为这将扩大污迹的范围。3、灰西装,可配灰、绿、黄和砖色领带,穿白色为主的淡色衬衣;2、暗蓝色西装,能够配蓝、胭脂红和橙黄色领带,穿白色和亮蓝色的衬衣。

  西服内搭配帅气的衬衫和窄版领带,可以掩盖正装带来的死板,从而展现出活力与激情的诱惑,如果你无法接受Hedi Slimane式的极修身剪裁西装,那就不如试试窄版领带吧,立刻让你时髦年轻起来,从超窄版,缎面窄版,到粗针织款,都是造型的好搭档,除了西装,窄版领带还可以跟休闲夹克、运动衫搭配,充分展现你的潮男魅力。亚伯特王子结适用於浪漫扣领及尖领系列衬衫,搭配浪漫质料柔软的细款领带,正确打法是在宽边先预留较长的空间,并在绕第二圈时尽量贴合在一起即可完成此一完美结型。桑蚕丝领带的清洗[干洗领带]:将柔软的笔刷蘸少许汽油,顺着领带织物的经纬线刷污斑处,待汽油味挥发后,再用干净的湿毛巾轻擦几遍;可用胶板纸或薄层胶合板按领带的尺寸做一个模型,把领带套在模型上面,用软毛刷蘸上洗涤剂对领带轻轻进行刷洗。桑蚕丝领带清洗清洗注意事项:1、桑蚕丝领带在清洗前,首先要看下标签是否可以水洗;有些可以水洗,洗前先在冷水中浸泡10分钟左右,浸泡时间不宜过长;深颜色一般易掉色,冷水或温水洗涤,不宜长时间浸泡;轻柔捏洗,切忌大力搓洗;机洗时选择轻档;2、不耐碱,应选用中性不含酶或丝绸专用洗涤剂;3、不可使用含氯助洗剂浸泡,可用含氧助洗剂去色渍;4、采用挤压洗,忌拧绞,挤压除水,悬挂阴干或折半悬挂阴干,勿阳光下暴晒,不宜烘干;5、要使用柔顺剂维护柔软手感和抗静电。[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]

  ①黑色西服,穿以白色为主的衬衫,配黄、藏青等与衬衫色彩协调的领带,②黑色西装,也可配银灰、黑色领带,适合安保标记领带保安领带,③黑色西服,可以底色接近的黑或藏青色,带点墨绿色提色的领带,穿蓝白条相间的浅色衬衫。UK Customer visiting in Handsome Necktie Company,In Oct, 15th,2015, one customer from UK visited Handsome factory and negotiated business / orders, We got an order from him, He ordered silk printing pocket squares and wool printing pocket squares and silk necktie from us, He was happy about reasonable price and good quality。Use different pattern types, Avoid using the same pattern in both your shirt and your tie, If you have a striped shirt, don’t pair it with a striped tie。

  The wave dot pattern is actually very textured, and the small wave dot is a bit rigid, but the large wave dot can often catch peoples attention at a glance, Compared to the complicated and dizzy printed large pattern tie, Polka Dot has no bizarre personality and full of maturity。1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。How to match tie and suit shirt,How to match shirt, I believe this problem must be confusing many men, Come here, Hansen tie teaches you how to match,Just remember one thing: the tie is the soul of the suit shirt。


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  • 网址:http://www.lingdai88.com
  • 地址:浙江省嵊州市领带园区4路12号
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