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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-10 12:13:15浏览量:104


  Prince Albert Knot,In order to highlight the distinctive personal style, the sharp neckline and romantic buckle collar are often used to add contour lines to the upper body to enhance the texture, Because the collar is tight and the neckline is narrow, the material of the tie should be soft and light, In terms of how to tie a tie, you can use a small bow tie, but a smart shape Prince Albert tie to outline the romantic mood, This tie has fewer steps and will not fill the neckline with an oversized bow tie, causing a bloated and airtight visual impression。How to tie a self tie bow tie,Do you know that less than 1% of adult men know how to tie a gourd bow tie,Although there are ready-made bow ties, you can make yourself different by learning how to play a gourd bow tie, In theory, this is very similar to tying shoelaces, To learn this gentlemans technique, I put these simple 9-step guides together。

  今年5月,汉森领带公司成功地为日本的鹿儿岛大学(Kagoshima UNVI,)定做一批标记领带,1949年,该校由第七高等学校、鹿儿岛师范学校、鹿儿岛县女子师范学校、鹿儿岛青年师范学校、鹿儿岛农林专门学校、鹿儿岛水产专门学校合并而设立,该领带采用100%真丝材质,长度是148厘米,领带最宽处是8,5厘米,酒红色的底色,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]配以粗细交替的白色条纹,整体花型显得既稳重,又高档。选购时要先了解男士领带的品牌有哪些,了解品牌才能更好的选择,还要看它是否平直,如果是尼龙针织或织锦领带,还要看有无漏针、针距是否匀称、图案有无走纱等,真丝或呢绒领带,里布与面料应该粘服、平整无起皱,如果平脚的,要看是否平齐,尖脚的脚尖要正中对称,不要偏在一边。不规则图案的领带,如抽象画、几何图形、变形虫、花鸟等图案,给人有创意、有个性、有朝气和流行的感觉,这类领带最好是在非正式的酒会、宾会或者是在下班后的约会、朋友聚餐时使用。Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。

  第6步:完成。大端在前,小端在后,呈交叉状。What tie looks good with white shirt and black suit,The answer is: striped mens tie,Stripes have a fashion charm that never goes out of fashion, Whether on a star-studded T-stage or a variety of creative streets, the stripes never fade out of sight; it is easy to wear and has a distinct personality, When you are faced with many clothing models, you can easily solve the stripes element Your troubles make you easily out of position, Especially the diagonal stripe style, the color is low-key and not exaggerated, suitable for many occasions。



  在潮流服饰的漫长演变过程中,领带却仍然是男士服饰非常重要的一部分,它充分展现了服装饰品的丰富内涵——沉稳、温雅、体面,为男土独特而深沉的内心世界做了最好的形象注解,因此,纵使人类文明在迅猛发展,审美时尚在不断的更新,领带以它独有的灵魂和个性一直都受到男士的青睐和推崇。1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。


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