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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-19 18:47:14浏览量:97

  The striped tie is the French business persons choice, It shows great respect for being calm and professional,Attend important occasion, if suit gives a person impression too formal, might as well proceed from the detail -- try to use different color stripe tie, their appearance adds lively and lively impression from the whole, a pleasing to the eye tie is the shortcut that wins eyeball。既是基本的款式,也是百搭的领带,当面对套装不知如何搭配时,选择一款和套装颜色相近的丝质领带,是再合适不过的了,只是由于颜色限制,领带务必需要选择质感优越的款式,不然,在出入高档会所时,你只能被当做门童看待。进行选择时,应注意最好使领带的宽度与自己身体的宽度成正比,而不要反差过大。

  1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。结婚领带的长度--领带的长度、种类有很多,一般好的领带都比较长,日常所用的领带,一般长约130CM—150CM;恰当的领带长度依据身高以及打领带的办法来定:领带打好以后,外侧应略长于内侧,其规范的长度;应当是领带的顶级刚好触及皮带扣,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]这样,当外穿的西装上衣系上扣子后,领带的下端便不会从衣袜下面“探头探脑”地露出来;出于这一思考,不发起在正式场合选用难以调理其长度的“一拉得”的领带。

  既是基本的款式,也是百搭的领带,当面对套装不知如何搭配时,选择一款和套装颜色相近的丝质领带,是再合适不过的了,只是由于颜色限制,领带务必需要选择质感优越的款式,不然,在出入高档会所时,你只能被当做门童看待。勿忘我的花语是永恒的爱,浓情厚谊 ,永不变的心,永远的回忆,它的寓意是“请不要忘记我真诚的爱”或代表“请想念我,忠贞的希望一切都还没有晚,我会再次归来 给你幸福”“请别忘记我”,虽然外貌似纸花,但却历来视为“花中情种”,故亦有人称之为不凋花,亦称为相思草,青年男女互赠勿忘我,以表达深切情意,而且将勿忘我制成干花后,颜色长久不褪,很适合夹在书中或作为定情信物,汉森领带推出两款勿忘我的花型领带,色彩艳丽,轻松活泼,特别适合当做毕业季的分别礼物,不论是爱情还是友情,勿失勿忘。For more formal occasions, why not wear a gray suit and white shirt with a black tie?It is intelligent, elegant and authoritative,If youre feeling brave, try a printed or patterned tie with a gray suit,These mens ties will make you stand out and add color and detail to your appearance。

  时至今日,领带俨然已经成为男性生活中不可或缺的一个部分,就连许多餐厅的门口,都会善意的写上“Suit&Tie”的着装提醒,领带的重要性,可见一斑。What tie is the atmosphere of a black suit and a white shirt? Of course its polka dots, the thick retro feelings are coming, it is chic and elegant, and it looks super atmospheric。领带,作为西服套装的必备品,起着修饰、点缀、美化西装的重要作用,可以毫不夸张的说,领带选择的正确与否,很大程度上决定了你的西服造型是否成功。


  领带的起源,最早可以追溯到古罗马时期,当时的士兵出征时,他们的父母、妻子给他们的脖子上围上一条亚麻材料的 cravate,作为一种护身符的象征,现在,领带往往能代表男士们对于衣着的品位,恰当的选择与衣装搭配的领带,能完好地证明你在流行与时尚角度的审美,但一条完美的领带也需要有一个完美的领结,才能这正发挥它的作用,不同的打法搭配不同领口的衬衫,让你看起来也像个 “领袖人物”。“We see guys wearing their tie bar too high or too low all the time, The rule is simple: It goes between the third and fourth buttons of your dress shirt,"。将男士领带的细节与衬衫的主要颜色相匹配,这意味着,您应该寻找一条领带,衬衫上的颜色应在其图案内,例如,棕色腰果花领带和棕色条纹衬衫或者红色格子衬衫与红色佩斯利花领带搭配很好看。第6步:完成。


  It proves that handsome company is professional、experienced necktie manufacturer, Welcome the customers all over the world to contact us, and we’ll provide satisfied products and service,And vice versa, a patterned tie on a solid short works on the same principle, Just match one or more of the colours within the pattern of the tie to the colour family of the solid shirt, For example, a yellow and brown striped tie is a good match for a light yellow shirt。一条做工精致的休闲领带必定是运用大量手工缝制技巧,如表面布料与内里的缝合,因为运用手工缝合技巧,所以领带本身会特别平整柔顺,当你轻拉带身两边时会具有手工缝制的伸缩性,也因此当你真正打领带时,才能具有调整领结的弹性,领带尖呈90度,就是以中间线对分成两个等腰三角形,如果不是这样的结构,整个平衡感就会失去,破坏领带的美感。

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  • 电话:4009-260-153
  • 邮箱:lily@handsometie.com
  • 手机:177-5752-0572
  • 139-6751-0572
  • 186-6710-9588
  • QQ:2881699852
  • 微信:177-5752-0572
  • 网址:http://www.lingdai88.com
  • 地址:浙江省嵊州市领带园区4路12号
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