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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-24 19:42:15浏览量:88

  几何图案领带,有些几何图案的花样织得如此精制,使得它看起来几乎是三维动画,微微颤动,可以引起他人眩晕的感觉,这种迷惑眼睛的效果使得几何图案总是吸引人们一再想往里边窥视。时至今日,领带俨然已经成为男性生活中不可或缺的一个部分,就连许多餐厅的门口,都会善意的写上“Suit&Tie”的着装提醒,领带的重要性,可见一斑。格琳式格纹呢,细方格花呢,鸡爪形花纹呢,凡是作西装适合的面料,作领带只会便宜,所以我们又重俗人发现领带上有许多休闲上装的花样,大部分是作为厚重的提花织物领带。[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。

  For more formal occasions, why not wear a gray suit and white shirt with a black tie?It is intelligent, elegant and authoritative,If youre feeling brave, try a printed or patterned tie with a gray suit,These mens ties will make you stand out and add color and detail to your appearance。Match a dark blue tie with a white shirt and gray suit,If you want to give off a summer scent, a blue tie and a white shirt go well together,Blue is calming and is associated with trust, intelligence and confidence -- which is exactly what you need if you want to impress。

  黑西装和黑衬衣一起会很沉闷,衬衣要是丝质面料的,加上浅灰色的蚕丝领带会好一点,虽然都是黑色搭配稍微单调,但是有颜在,意外帅成了全黑穿搭教科书。今年,以领带闻名的金利来推出了猴年限量生肖款印花领带,让申猴以灵动,伶俐的姿态为大家送上新一年的祝福,汉森男士领带厂家的设计师们采用当下流行的印花元素,将猴年特色的生肖元素生动的呈现在领带之上,富有新意又不会显得张扬,面料材质和里布材质均选择100%桑蚕丝进行制作,柔软服帖,而特有的剪裁技术又使得整条领带长久保持挺括状态。Vary pattern size/scale, In other words, the patterns on your tie should be larger and bolder that the patterns on your shirt, For example, a thick wide-striped tie would work with a thin-striped shirt, but not with a thick wide-striped shirt, Having patterns of the same size (or type) can result in an overly busy look。为满足不同男士的需求,汉森男士领带厂家特别推出了3种不同款式:深沉的蓝色以斜纹为底,更适合正式场合佩戴;浓郁的暗紫色以光面的质感呈现低调奢华,佩戴起来更显成熟稳重;竖条纹打底的中国红款,在这个佳节佩戴,喜庆的气息不言而喻。


  平结为最多男士选用的领结打法之一,也可以说是经典的领带打法,风格简约,非常方便,领结呈斜三角形,适合窄领衬衫;右手握住宽的一端(下面称大端),左手握住窄的一端(下面称小端),大端在前,小端在后,交叉叠放。在搭配一些图案比较复杂、颜色较为鲜艳的提花领带时,在衬衣和西服的选择上,切记要以简单为主,主体颜色不会过于花哨,搭配时也更为容易些,颜色对比也较为鲜艳的领带时,切记不要元素过多,否则会造成视觉杂乱。Handsome Tie specializes in tie production for more than ten years, providing men with business ties, uniform ties, casual ties, etc,, quality assurance。

  Which tie does France prefer,There are always new trends coming from France, which has a world-famous art style, so what kind of tie do the French prefer,Here are some insights,There are two types of ties that the French like to wear, the business-inspired striped tie and the more comfortable and romantic floral tie。第5步:大端从前面绕小端旋转一圈。

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  • 电话:4009-260-153
  • 邮箱:lily@handsometie.com
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  • 地址:浙江省嵊州市领带园区4路12号
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