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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-12-07 09:20:24浏览量:88

  汉森领带款式及颜色多得惊人,于今次展览,品牌特别设计了一款TieWall,展出其中一款图案领带,这款领带多达过百种颜色,单是蓝色已经有10多种不同色调选择。What tie looks good with white shirt and black suit,The answer is: striped mens tie,Stripes have a fashion charm that never goes out of fashion, Whether on a star-studded T-stage or a variety of creative streets, the stripes never fade out of sight; it is easy to wear and has a distinct personality, When you are faced with many clothing models, you can easily solve the stripes element Your troubles make you easily out of position, Especially the diagonal stripe style, the color is low-key and not exaggerated, suitable for many occasions。双单结类似单结,它们的不同在于前者有两个结,即两圈,这种结适合个子矮小的男士,它适合意大利领和稍细的领带且简单易做。

  Handsome Tie specializes in tie production for more than ten years, providing men with business ties, uniform ties, casual ties, etc,, quality assurance。The standard length of a mans tie after it has been laid should be in the right position above the belt, The general length of mens tie on the market is 146 cm long, suitable for 170-180 cm tall oriental, If youre tall, choose a 155cm tie; or if you re short, choose a 134cm tie, No matter what length, tie or grasp the 1:3 ratio。


  葫芦领结打结方式:1,拉起衣领,把领结戴在脖子上,一边应该比另一边低4-5英寸,然后穿过较长的一端到较短的一端;2,打个半结,就像系鞋带一样;3,把手指放在半结上,保持紧绷,然后把领结的短端对折,它应该开始看起来像一个领结;4,拿较长的一端的领结,并把它超过一半折叠领结;5,现在把领结展开的部分对折;6,就像你系鞋带一样,把领结穿过蝴蝶结后面的环,通过推和拉来实现;7,拉[推]到一半;8,拉在弓的两边并且拉紧,作为一个小技巧,把你的食指穿过每个环,向外拉;9,用力拉以确保领结系紧,然后在你的衣领瞧,你刚刚完成了自己的葫芦领结,恭喜你。有图案的男士衬衫领带系在素色衬衫上也是基于同样的原则,只需将领带图案中的一种或多种颜色匹配到纯色衬衫的颜色系列即可,例如,黄色和棕色的条纹领带非常适合浅黄色的衬衫。Vary pattern size/scale, In other words, the patterns on your tie should be larger and bolder that the patterns on your shirt, For example, a thick wide-striped tie would work with a thin-striped shirt, but not with a thick wide-striped shirt, Having patterns of the same size (or type) can result in an overly busy look。What tie does the black shirt go with,Are you bothering about what to wear today, Men do n’t say anything about "big husbands being unrestricted" when it comes to dressing, A simple black shirt can handle all your occasions, When you meet your girlfriend and wear a black shirt, you are an overbearing president, Seeing the mother-in-law, the black shirt was calm and imposing, So the question is coming, what kind of mens tie is it with a black shirt。


  如此,领带即不会变形,又平整如新了。第6步:把大端向内向上上穿过领圈;桑蚕丝领带的清洗[干洗领带]:将柔软的笔刷蘸少许汽油,顺着领带织物的经纬线刷污斑处,待汽油味挥发后,再用干净的湿毛巾轻擦几遍;可用胶板纸或薄层胶合板按领带的尺寸做一个模型,把领带套在模型上面,用软毛刷蘸上洗涤剂对领带轻轻进行刷洗。What kind of high-grade silk ties do you have,After years of development, tie, as a must-have for suits, plays an important role in decorating, adorning and beautifying suits,If you want to buy high quality ties, it must be high quality silk ties,Silk tie, feel full and soft, full of advanced feeling。

contact handsome tie

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  • 电话:4009-260-153
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  • 地址:浙江省嵊州市领带园区4路12号
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