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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-12-08 20:47:25浏览量:111

  What tie is the atmosphere of a black suit and a white shirt? Of course its polka dots, the thick retro feelings are coming, it is chic and elegant, and it looks super atmospheric。Tie always plays a leading role, because it is an eye-catching part of clothing, Generally speaking, the focus should be on the matching of neckties and suit tops, From a more particular point of view, the color of the top should become the basic color of the tie,Choose a shirt again,Once the tie is matched with the top, choosing the shirt is all right, In general, the color of the shirt should match one of the colors the tie last wanted,Generally speaking, the pattern on the tie should be more conspicuous than on the shirt, Sometimes, you can choose shirts and ties with distinctive patterns, However, dont let the pattern on the shirt over the tie。Matches with polka dot elements have always been very popular, whether it is spring or summer or autumn and winter, The plasticity of the polka dot tie is actually very strong, and it can be matched with various styles of blazers, and even the somewhat exaggerated printed blazers cant fail it。And vice versa, a patterned tie on a solid short works on the same principle, Just match one or more of the colours within the pattern of the tie to the colour family of the solid shirt, For example, a yellow and brown striped tie is a good match for a light yellow shirt。

  Wearing a floral tie makes the French look more attractive and enhances their natural beauty, so they wear it for relaxed and comfortable occasions。针织领带也是近年较被大众喜爱的一种,其中最出名的品牌当属汉森,它家拥有多款极具魅力的针织领带,就实用度和搭配性而言,并不见得比其他材质的领带差,因为针织领带单从外观上看,要更偏休闲一些,因此在搭配它时,灵活性也更强,像秋冬季节广受大多数男士欢迎的毛呢、法兰绒等材质的西服,搭配它就非常合适,春季以休闲西服搭配它,也是不错的选择,不过有一点要注意,因为针织的材质比较偏厚重,记得要根据整体造型相应的做一些取舍。特别是像是职场人士,如果不想添置太多领带,完全可以考虑以条纹领带为主。And vice versa, a patterned tie on a solid short works on the same principle, Just match one or more of the colours within the pattern of the tie to the colour family of the solid shirt, For example, a yellow and brown striped tie is a good match for a light yellow shirt。



  男士们对于领带的追求和喜爱就从未停过,对于领带一直都非常的关注,也一直都想要了解什么领带品牌好,汉森领带作为十大男士领带厂家品牌,乃是优选。体型壮硕的选择衬衫和西装适合比较宽的领型,在搭配领带时也要宽领带才与衣服和体型成比例;体型偏瘦的就适合衬衫和西装领子比较小的,自然在领带的选择上必然是偏窄的领带更合适。How to tie a self tie bow tie,Do you know that less than 1% of adult men know how to tie a gourd bow tie,Although there are ready-made bow ties, you can make yourself different by learning how to play a gourd bow tie, In theory, this is very similar to tying shoelaces, To learn this gentlemans technique, I put these simple 9-step guides together。

  领带面料特性--1,真丝类面料较厚,花色饱满,有立体感,面料手感较好而真丝印花面料较薄,手感较好,花色鲜艳,光泽好;2,化纤类面料则较粗糙,手感较硬,但光泽度好;3,混纺类面料同化纤类面料相似。Use analogous colour combinations, For example, if you have a light blue shirt, you can try it with a solid dark blue tie, A pink shirt is a perfect match for a red, maroon or purple tie。Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。领带原料鉴别--真丝领带和涤丝领带现在由于后处理技术的提高,有些已经不能用手摸或者肉眼看去区分了,所以一般区别这2种是用火烧的方法,一般你可以在领带小头缝线里面翻出一点点面料来,用打火机烧下就能清楚,碰到火焰结成硬块的是涤丝,变成粉末的就是真丝了,这样比较简单也是普遍使用的方法,注意,只烧先线头就可以,烧坏领带就不好了!

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