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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-17 20:35:38浏览量:93

  专业技术领花缀钉于衣领上端两个两个标志点处,用螺母固定,为松枝叶和原子符号、橄榄枝环绕原子符号。Handsome tie has a lot of casual tie type of cotton and linen patterns, a variety of fashion cotton ties, people love!它非常适合细领带、优质的丝织品和敞开的衣领,如其名看起来小,因此适合厚的领带(例如丝织品)和紧扣的衣领,注意别忘记将领带的一部分翻转180度,这种结做起来非常容易。

  将其宽边以180度由上往下翻转,将折叠处隐藏于后方,待完成后可再调整其领带长度,是常见的一种领带结形,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]此款结型十分优雅及罕见,其打法亦较复杂。勿忘我的花语是永恒的爱,浓情厚谊 ,永不变的心,永远的回忆,它的寓意是“请不要忘记我真诚的爱”或代表“请想念我,忠贞的希望一切都还没有晚,我会再次归来 给你幸福”“请别忘记我”,虽然外貌似纸花,但却历来视为“花中情种”,故亦有人称之为不凋花,亦称为相思草,青年男女互赠勿忘我,以表达深切情意,而且将勿忘我制成干花后,颜色长久不褪,很适合夹在书中或作为定情信物,汉森领带推出两款勿忘我的花型领带,色彩艳丽,轻松活泼,特别适合当做毕业季的分别礼物,不论是爱情还是友情,勿失勿忘。


  其实,领带也并非只是那么简单一块绸布而已,从材质来上说,领带的面料不仅有丝质,还有针织面料、呢料、丝棉和金丝绒材质,不同的面料,自然在搭配上,也会有各种讲究。Handsome Tie specializes in tie production for more than ten years, providing men with business ties, uniform ties, casual ties, etc,, quality assurance。提花领带,应该就是爱的爱死,恨的恨死了吧。黑领结与白衬衫的经典相遇,KEY WORDS 黑色领结+白衬衫+黑色马甲+黑色礼服,搭配心经 黑色礼服、马甲、丝质领结加白衬衫的组合十足经典,虽无太大新意,却是正式宴会场合的常青之选,考究得体,不会出错,如担心过于老套,不妨在西装、马甲及衬衫的细节设计上寻求新意,较修身、窄领的设计颇受时尚男士宠爱,衬衫上加点华丽的褶皱、荷叶边更添贵族气质。

  The dark blue suit is actually very easy to match, Basically, what color mens tie is suitable, mainly depends on what effect you want, If you want to be more formal, then the same color, black, gray and silver are very good choices; a little more fashionable, then choose a tie with a sense of design, stripes, patterns and other ties with a suit will look very retro gentleman; dark red Tie is also very suitable for matching blue suits, the atmosphere is gentleman full range。深蓝色的西装其实十分好搭,基本上搭配什么颜色的男装领带都是适合的,主要看你想要什么效果,如果你想要正式一点,那么同色系,黑灰银都是很不错的选择;稍微时尚一点,那么选择有设计感的红色点点、条纹、格子领带搭配西装会显得十分的复古绅士;深红领带也是十分适合配蓝色西装的,大气绅士度十足范。1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。

  5、皮鞋和袜子:1, Big end first, small end rear, stacked crosswise, Then wrap the big end after the little end,2, Continue turning the big end on the front side from the right hand side to the left hand side,3, Repeat step 1, Turn the big end to the inside again from the left,4, Repeat the second step, Turn the big end out from the right again,5, Turn the big end under the tie and turn it out from the neckline to form a double loop,6, Insert the big end into the previously formed ring, Note that the difference is that it is inserted into the two rings and fastened to complete。

  Blue tie--Navy and dark blue are suitable for formal occasions,Light blue even powdery blue can add cheerful, nifty feeling to your dress up, suit the tie that makes bank personnel。男士商务蓝领带佩戴礼仪--领带必须打在硬领衬衫上,要与衬衫、西服和谐,其长度以到皮带扣处为宜。

  Double Windsor Knot,When you dress up for an important day, a suitable tie benefits from a well-designed knot, such as a double Windsor knot, This knot is slightly wider than most knots and has a triangular shape, Suitable for men wearing long sleeve shirts and long necks, When you want to impress people, this knot will make you different。领带永远是起主导作用的,因为它是服装中抢眼的部分,一般说,应该首先把注意力集中在领带与西服上衣的搭配上,以比较讲究的观点看,上衣的颜色应该成为领带的基础色,再选衬衫,一旦确定好领带与上衣的搭配,选择衬衫就是手到擒来的了,通常,衬衫的颜色应该与领带上次要颜色中的一种相配,一般而言,领带上的图案应该比衬衫上的更显眼,有时,可以选择图案都很鲜明的衬衫和领带,但是,千万不要让衬衫上的图案压过领带上的。很多人认为,穿西装追求的就是所谓的绅士感,但往往会因为一些小细节上的问题,让个人的品味一落千丈,其中最为关键的,莫过于是领带。



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  • 电话:4009-260-153
  • 邮箱:lily@handsometie.com
  • 手机:177-5752-0572
  • 139-6751-0572
  • 186-6710-9588
  • QQ:2881699852
  • 微信:177-5752-0572
  • 网址:http://www.lingdai88.com
  • 地址:浙江省嵊州市领带园区4路12号
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