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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-17 20:37:20浏览量:88

  1, Big end first, small end rear, stacked crosswise, Then wrap the big end after the little end,2, Continue turning the big end on the front side from the right hand side to the left hand side,3, Repeat step 1, Turn the big end to the inside again from the left,4, Repeat the second step, Turn the big end out from the right again,5, Turn the big end under the tie and turn it out from the neckline to form a double loop,6, Insert the big end into the previously formed ring, Note that the difference is that it is inserted into the two rings and fastened to complete。穿正规西服时,再系上一条漂亮的领带,既美观大方,又给人以典雅庄重。


  凯文狄许结(the Cavendish)是Thomas Fink 和毛永设计发明的一种领带打法,可以认为是双平结打法,双倍的平结打法很好的掩盖了平结斜三角形的不对称性,结型大小和温莎结相似,但是比温莎结又要苗条一些,既可和标准领配合又可与宽角领配合。半温莎结是一种比较浪漫的领带打法,近似正三角形的领型比四手结打出的斜三角型更庄重,结型比四手结稍微宽一些,适用于任何场合,在众多衬衫领型中,与标准领是最完美的搭配,如果是休闲的时候,用粗厚的材质系半温莎领,能凸显出一股随意与不羁;宽的一端(下面称大端)在左,窄的一端(下面称小端)在右,大端在前,小端在后,呈交叉状。与其他基本打法比较,普瑞特结的特点是开始打结时领带的背面朝外,这样做有一个好处,可以减少一个缠绕的步骤,领结形状似温莎结的端正,却又比温莎结体积要小,十分美观;宽的一端(后称大端)在左,窄的一端(后称小端)在右,大端在后,小端在前,交叉叠放。

  Blue tie--Navy and dark blue are suitable for formal occasions,Light blue even powdery blue can add cheerful, nifty feeling to your dress up, suit the tie that makes bank personnel。第6步:完成。

  The ties were made from 100% silk by weaving, The length of tie is 148 cm, the widest width is 7,5 cm, with peach red background color, The logo DUBAI PARK texts are all over on the ties, It looks luxury and top quality, The customer wrote in her email “ties are amazing” after she received the items, This is the third order from she。一般大多数男性,衣柜里较多的都是白衬衫,而它恰好和条纹领带能形成相当完美的搭配效果。

  The standard length of a mans tie after it has been laid should be in the right position above the belt, The general length of mens tie on the market is 146 cm long, suitable for 170-180 cm tall oriental, If youre tall, choose a 155cm tie; or if you re short, choose a 134cm tie, No matter what length, tie or grasp the 1:3 ratio。"Finally, never wear a tie bar thats wider than your tie, Thats the worst,Keep things narrow,"。

  男士还须讲究西装、衬衫、领带这三者之间的配色,配色前首先应该考虑总的色彩感觉,根据主要颜色,考虑和它相配的其他颜色,使总的色彩感觉统一和谐,比如你的西装黄色居多,那么咖啡、深黄、浅黄等色就可作为相配考虑的对象。时至今日,领带俨然已经成为男性生活中不可或缺的一个部分,就连许多餐厅的门口,都会善意的写上“Suit&Tie”的着装提醒,领带的重要性,可见一斑。① Black suit, wearing a white shirt, and tie with yellow, navy blue, etc, to coordinate with the color of the shirt,②Black suit, silver grey and black tie are also available, suitable for security mark tie and security tie,③ Black suit, black or navy blue with close background, tie with dark green color, and light blue and white shirt。而当下男士对领带的了解,似乎还仅仅停留在“怎么打”这个问题上,但是关于怎么搭,男人们,你们真的清楚吗?

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