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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-17 20:52:54浏览量:82

  Match a dark blue tie with a white shirt and gray suit,If you want to give off a summer scent, a blue tie and a white shirt go well together,Blue is calming and is associated with trust, intelligence and confidence -- which is exactly what you need if you want to impress。How to tie a tie:Step 1: The end of the collar bandwidth is in front, and the narrow end is placed behind, The wide end becomes the big end, and the narrow end becomes the small end,Step 2: Wind the big end behind the little end as shown,Step 3: Fold the big end up,Step 4: Turn left at the neckline,Step 5: Turn the big end to the right,Step 6: Turn the big end to the left,Step 7: Turn the big end to the right again,Step 8: Turn the big end out of the neckline,Step 9: Tie and finish。领带的打法:步骤1:领带宽的一端在前,窄的一端在后放好;以下宽的一段成为大端,窄的一端成为小端;步骤2:将大端如图所示绕到小端的后面;步骤3:将大端往上翻折;步骤4:到领口处往左翻折;步骤5:将大端翻到右边;步骤6:将大端翻到左边;步骤7:将大端再翻到右边;步骤8:将大端翻出领口处;步骤9:打结,完成。

  领带如何搭配衬衫,避免选择与衬衫相同的领带--在领带和衬衫搭配上,图案的领带不能与样式相似的衬衫搭配,在这些组合中,两种模式的相互作用会产生一种奇怪的、分散注意力的效果,与光学错觉不同。领带如何搭配纯白衬衫--纯白衬衫可以跟大部分的深色领带搭配出理想效果,不过需要注意的是,胸前装饰有条纹褶皱的宫廷复古式衬衫,对于领带的线条感要求十分严苛,传统的上细下宽的粗领带会破坏这种衬衫营造出来的优雅气质,应改换成线条匀称细致的窄领带,并尽量以纯色勾勒质感。Where can you buy the conference ties,Mens dress collocation, tie and suit shirt can be said to be the focus of the whole body, Choosing a decent business tie can become your own tool in the workplace, highlighting the charm of your ingenious gentleman, otherwise it will fall into the embarrassment of modeling, So what tie do you wear for occasions like business meetings and annual meetings, Generally speaking, choose business ties with no logo or twill rules with company marks, which are not only mature, stable, and generous, but suitable for business negotiation, business visit, hosting, and speech occasions。

  蓝领带--海军蓝和深蓝色适合正式场合,淡蓝色甚至粉蓝色都能给你的装扮增添愉悦、俏皮的感觉,适合做银行人员的领带。The striped tie is the French business persons choice, It shows great respect for being calm and professional,Attend important occasion, if suit gives a person impression too formal, might as well proceed from the detail -- try to use different color stripe tie, their appearance adds lively and lively impression from the whole, a pleasing to the eye tie is the shortcut that wins eyeball。Which tie does France prefer,There are always new trends coming from France, which has a world-famous art style, so what kind of tie do the French prefer,Here are some insights,There are two types of ties that the French like to wear, the business-inspired striped tie and the more comfortable and romantic floral tie。具有波点元素的搭配一直都非常受欢迎无论是春夏还是秋冬,波点领带的可塑性其实非常强,与各种风格的西装外套都能够搭配,甚至是有些闷骚夸张的印花西装外套都难不倒它。



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