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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-18 22:28:47浏览量:103

  In addition, you can choose from some high-quality tie brands, such as kinglion, Babel, youngor and so on。穿正装选择领带颜色:一般可选择单色或暗花领带,多色领带不应多于三种颜色;不要选用过于显眼花俏的领带,尽量不要选择浅色领带、艳色领带;也可以选紫红色领带,比较庄重而热情。Black suit and black shirt can be very depressing together, shirt if silken fabrics, add the silk tie of light grey can a bit better, although it is black collocation is a bit drab, but have yan is in, accident handsome became all black to wear take a textbook。

  一般商务的西装可以搭配纯色领带,但是难免有时候会觉得缺少亮点,整体的色彩饱和度不够高,而波点或者斜纹领带则可以很好的改善这一点,再满足场合要求的前提上,可以起到很好的点缀作用,如果你对于色彩的把握缺少经验,可以按照波点的领带的底色与西装颜色接近,而波点是比较亮的颜色方法选择领带,而条纹领带则可以让其中一种颜色与西装颜色接近,利用其它条纹的颜色来做点缀,这样出错的概率就比较小。晚装系列领带,该系列特别注重领带上的荧光效果,深沉的领带底色上,经纬交错的线条或星宿般分布的亮点熠熠生辉,明星味十足。领带类似单结,它们的不同在于前者有两个结,即两圈,这种结适合个子矮小的男士,它适合意大利领和稍细的领带,适用于浪漫扣领、尖领系列衬衫,搭配浪漫质料柔软的细款领带,正确打法是:在宽边先预留较长的空间,并在绕第二圈时尽量贴合在一起,即可完成此一完美结型。What tie does the black shirt go with,Are you bothering about what to wear today, Men do n’t say anything about "big husbands being unrestricted" when it comes to dressing, A simple black shirt can handle all your occasions, When you meet your girlfriend and wear a black shirt, you are an overbearing president, Seeing the mother-in-law, the black shirt was calm and imposing, So the question is coming, what kind of mens tie is it with a black shirt。


  行政系列领带专为白领上班一族而设,图案以永恒的圆点、斜纹、格子为主,质料讲究,以优雅大方见长。Where can you buy the conference ties,Mens dress collocation, tie and suit shirt can be said to be the focus of the whole body, Choosing a decent business tie can become your own tool in the workplace, highlighting the charm of your ingenious gentleman, otherwise it will fall into the embarrassment of modeling, So what tie do you wear for occasions like business meetings and annual meetings, Generally speaking, choose business ties with no logo or twill rules with company marks, which are not only mature, stable, and generous, but suitable for business negotiation, business visit, hosting, and speech occasions。汉森领带极具英国传统风格的品牌,其多层次的产品系列满足了不同年龄和性别消费者需求,从领带起步兢兢业业,不懈追求二十余年,汉森领带打造了一个中国品味男人的品牌,作为中国35-45岁社会中坚男的首先之一。1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。

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