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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-25 20:05:53浏览量:81



  温莎结领带怎么打,步骤/方法:There are many wholesalers, to create a number of popular wholesale products,These high-end ties are versatile and classic,At the same time, support a consignment service, spot tie 2 minimum order, 24 hours delivery。如果你想散发夏日气息,一条蓝色的领带和一件白色的衬衫也很搭,蓝色能让人平静下来,并与信任、智慧和自信联系在一起——如果你想给人留下深刻印象,这正是你所需要的。

  does the black suit, black shirt and light grey tie look good,(Hansens tie)Gray is close to black, the collocation is integrated, the color does not appear to jump,Such collocation suits more formal business occasion, reveal mature and sedate elegant demeanour, never go out of style business tie。1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。


  The dark blue suit is actually very easy to match, Basically, what color mens tie is suitable, mainly depends on what effect you want, If you want to be more formal, then the same color, black, gray and silver are very good choices; a little more fashionable, then choose a tie with a sense of design, stripes, patterns and other ties with a suit will look very retro gentleman; dark red Tie is also very suitable for matching blue suits, the atmosphere is gentleman full range。如果你是普通上班族或是偶尔出席重要场合,建议选择冷色系的纯色领带,汉森领带就曾为上班族打造过多款安全而有品位的纯色领带,如果觉得太过简单,也可以试试其他的领带,看似商务正式,却还带有一丝潮流感,也能适用于多种场合,用它来搭配也非常方便,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]当遭遇到西装和领带是同色系时,记得善用不同饱和度的同款颜色所带出来的特殊效果,照样也能为整体造型加分。Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。

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