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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-08-27 19:27:07浏览量:194

  条纹领带中特别有学院派风格的分类,在两个不同却相近的色块衔接处运用较为亮眼的鲜明细线搭配,被称为常青藤图案,较适合搭配格纹衬衫及菱形格图案的毛衣或背心。深蓝色条纹领带与格纹碰撞出学院气质,KEY WORDS深蓝色条纹领带+格子衬衫+菱格针织背心,搭配心经:黑白格子衬衫搭配菱格纹针织背心,再加上一条深蓝色配深红色条纹的宽领带,散发浓浓名校学生气息,咖啡色系的格子西装和咖啡色系带皮鞋的加入,更给人一种复古学院印象。In recent years, more and more men in the workplace have begun to like the light blue shirt as an inner tie, with a formal suit jacket,However, the question of what suit and tie to wear on the light blue shirt is really a problem for many men, The following sets of photos let you know about suits and ties。


  由 Jerry Pratt 发明的打法,因为 Don Shelby 长打绍此领结出现于电视节目中,因此而广为人知,但也因为这样,有些人误以为 Don Shelby 是发明者,故有时候也称之为谢尔比结,普瑞特结为后期近代的打法,在绑领带时,少了一个缠绕,看起来不太宽也不太窄,简约、精巧美观,适合配宽角领衬衫。领带的打法:步骤1:领带宽的一端在前,窄的一端在后放好;以下宽的一段成为大端,窄的一端成为小端;步骤2:将大端如图所示绕到小端的后面;步骤3:将大端往上翻折;步骤4:到领口处往左翻折;步骤5:将大端翻到右边;步骤6:将大端翻到左边;步骤7:将大端再翻到右边;步骤8:将大端翻出领口处;步骤9:打结,完成。How to tie the men tie,Ties are a fashion necessity for men, They often wear them to work, in job interviews or other occasions, such as weddings or funerals, Some jobs even require women to wear a tie, However, many men and women do not actually know how to tie a tie, Tying a tie is not as difficult as it seems,Tie the tie around the back of the neck and hang the ends at the chest, Adjust the tie so that the wide end is about a foot longer than the thin end。


  英国著名的温莎公爵发明的系法,此种结型因其宽度较一般结型宽,故十分适合使用在意大利式领口(八字领)的衬衫上,常与丝质领带相互搭配,正确打法是将领带窄的一边保持在身体右侧,将宽的一边压向窄的一边后,先在窄的一边一侧从领口绕出来,然后再回到宽的一边一侧从领口绕向自己一圈,在围着窄的一边绕一圈,让宽的一边穿过这个圈系紧,即可完成。休闲系列领带,轻松、随意,领带的装饰盖过礼仪上的需要,所以,卡通公仔花草、人物等也爬上了领带,专门用于与T恤、休闲西装的搭配。经常听到有人在问,黑西装白衬衫搭配什么领带大气呢,当然是波点啦,浓浓的复古情怀扑面而来,既别致又优雅,看上去简直超级大气。Tie always plays a leading role, because it is an eye-catching part of clothing, Generally speaking, the focus should be on the matching of neckties and suit tops, From a more particular point of view, the color of the top should become the basic color of the tie,Choose a shirt again,Once the tie is matched with the top, choosing the shirt is all right, In general, the color of the shirt should match one of the colors the tie last wanted,Generally speaking, the pattern on the tie should be more conspicuous than on the shirt, Sometimes, you can choose shirts and ties with distinctive patterns, However, dont let the pattern on the shirt over the tie。



  男士一般在正式场合都会穿正装,穿正装的话就一定要搭配领带,领带的好坏直接影响着西服的穿着效果,所以说男士在选购领带的时候一定要好好挑选。The ties were made from 100% silk by weaving, The length of tie is 148 cm, the widest width is 7,5 cm, with peach red background color, The logo DUBAI PARK texts are all over on the ties, It looks luxury and top quality, The customer wrote in her email “ties are amazing” after she received the items, This is the third order from she。

  Many guys just avoid mixing a patterned tie with a patterned shirt, because they are afraid they’ll end up looking like a layman, Here are some tips explaining how you can make pattern-on-pattern combinations that actually work。温莎结领带怎么打,步骤/方法。

  And vice versa, a patterned tie on a solid short works on the same principle, Just match one or more of the colours within the pattern of the tie to the colour family of the solid shirt, For example, a yellow and brown striped tie is a good match for a light yellow shirt。寻找完美的男士西装领带组合的捷径,以下是一些基本技巧,可帮助您优化选择一些衬衫和男士西装领带组合的方法, 素色的领带和素色的衬衫组合,这是出现风险低的组合,使用对比色组合:如果您穿白色,浅蓝色的纯色衬衫,则可以选择任何喜欢的颜色纯色领带,使用对比色,可以使衣服流行一点,使用类似的颜色组合,例如,如果您有浅蓝色的衬衫,则可以搭配深蓝色素色的领带来尝试,白衬衫可以和红色男士西装领带的完美搭配,避免错误,切勿穿与衬衫颜色完全相同的男士西装领带。

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