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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-03 21:50:13浏览量:71


  现在的男士们都非常的注重穿着,西装革履的打扮之下自然也需要一条可以配得上的领带,于是,男士领带市场开始迎来了大发展,诞生了更多的品牌,同时更有着无数非常优秀的好品牌,男士领带厂家哪个品牌好,汉森领带当是优选。Prince Albert Knot,In order to highlight the distinctive personal style, the sharp neckline and romantic buckle collar are often used to add contour lines to the upper body to enhance the texture, Because the collar is tight and the neckline is narrow, the material of the tie should be soft and light, In terms of how to tie a tie, you can use a small bow tie, but a smart shape Prince Albert tie to outline the romantic mood, This tie has fewer steps and will not fill the neckline with an oversized bow tie, causing a bloated and airtight visual impression。

  由于要凸显出鲜明的个人风尚,多以尖领和浪漫扣领来增添上身轮廓线条,烘托质感,由于衣领较为紧束且领口窄小,因此领带的质料应注重柔软轻薄,在领带的打法方面,可以用领结体积较小但形状灵巧的亚伯特王子结来勾勒出浪漫情调,这种领带的打法步骤少,并且不会以过大的领结充斥在领口,造成臃肿不透气的视觉印象。洗完后晾一会,便可衬上一块白湿布用熨斗烫平;然后可撤下模型。大端在前,小端在后,交叉叠放,然后将大端绕到小端之后, 继续将大端在正面从右手边翻到左手边,重复第1步,再次从左边将大端翻到内侧,重复第二步,再次将大端从右侧翻出,把大端翻到领带结之下,并从领口位置翻出,形成双环,再将大端插入先前形成的环中,注意与其他不同的是,是插入两圈圆环之中,系紧,完成。

  The wave dot pattern is actually very textured, and the small wave dot is a bit rigid, but the large wave dot can often catch peoples attention at a glance, Compared to the complicated and dizzy printed large pattern tie, Polka Dot has no bizarre personality and full of maturity。温莎结--这种结是因温莎公爵而得名的领带结,是正统的领带打法,打出的结成正三角形,饱满有力,适合搭配宽领衬衫,该集结应多往横向发展,应避免材质过厚的领带,集结也勿打得过大,打这个领带结的要诀:宽边先预留较长的空间,绕带时的松、紧会影响领带结的大小。

  1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。7、在品味尚未修到家之前,穿西装时不要穿白色袜子,尤其是深色西装;3、系好领带后,领带尖千万不要触到皮带上;第1步:如图将领带大端叠放于小端,并向后绕小端一圈。

  如果是年轻人,西装的剪裁也偏向年轻化,这时候不妨可以考虑选用窄版的领带进行搭配,这样更能让整体造型偏向年轻化,时尚气息也会更重一些,像芬迪、范思哲等,都有根据年轻人的需求设计过多款窄版领带,外形和尺寸上都非常有活力。几何图案领带,有些几何图案的花样织得如此精制,使得它看起来几乎是三维动画,微微颤动,可以引起他人眩晕的感觉,这种迷惑眼睛的效果使得几何图案总是吸引人们一再想往里边窥视。Prince Albert Knot,In order to highlight the distinctive personal style, the sharp neckline and romantic buckle collar are often used to add contour lines to the upper body to enhance the texture, Because the collar is tight and the neckline is narrow, the material of the tie should be soft and light, In terms of how to tie a tie, you can use a small bow tie, but a smart shape Prince Albert tie to outline the romantic mood, This tie has fewer steps and will not fill the neckline with an oversized bow tie, causing a bloated and airtight visual impression。

  圣安德鲁结(the St.温莎结领带怎么打,步骤/方法:谁说领结一定要配西装,酒红色领结搭配黑色格纹衬衫及针织开衫、牛仔裤,即是一身不错的颇具潮味的休闲装扮,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]男士们需要懂得怎么穿是正确的,更应明白如何穿才是时髦的。领结应是真丝质地,精致而考究,与西装同色最为稳妥。

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