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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-24 20:12:49浏览量:85

  领带在男人的世界里是“尊重、信任、有文化”的象征,所以在进行男装搭配时应得体地选择领带,领带的长度、宽度都有一定讲究,但材料和颜色、样式是最重要的。New section describing various tie tips and tricks will be added soon to How to Tie a Tie app, All tips will be illustrated with clear pictures and explanations。喜欢变化的人,可选择以格子衬衫搭配圆点领带,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]或条纹衬衫搭配格子领带,以及两种不同格子花样的领带衬衫互相搭配,都是男装搭配时不错的选择。

  Wearing a floral tie makes the French look more attractive and enhances their natural beauty, so they wear it for relaxed and comfortable occasions。说完了领带的尺寸和材质,相信领带的花色也令大多数人相当头疼,的确,即便是领带的尺寸和材质挑对了,花色没选对,照样也能让你看起来非常糟糕,和绅士完全不沾边。因温莎公爵而得名的领带结,是最正统的领系法,打出的结成正三角形,饱满有力,适合搭配宽领衬衫,用于出席正式场合,切勿使用面料过厚的领带来打温莎结。

  如果是要参加一些对服饰要求度比较高的场合,个人不大建议用条纹领带来搭配正装,因为在多数对服装穿着极为讲究的人眼里,条纹领带是不能作为正装领带使用的。Black shirts with silver-gray or red mens ties, the kind of shiny fabrics, are not only more spiritual, but also have layers,Of course, you can also choose a plaid or polka dot mens tie, which is more fashionable,You can choose a brighter color, which will not make the overall look too dull, Try to be as light as possible, such as light orange, light gray, etc。What tie does the black shirt go with,Are you bothering about what to wear today, Men do n’t say anything about "big husbands being unrestricted" when it comes to dressing, A simple black shirt can handle all your occasions, When you meet your girlfriend and wear a black shirt, you are an overbearing president, Seeing the mother-in-law, the black shirt was calm and imposing, So the question is coming, what kind of mens tie is it with a black shirt。How to tie a self tie bow tie,Do you know that less than 1% of adult men know how to tie a gourd bow tie,Although there are ready-made bow ties, you can make yourself different by learning how to play a gourd bow tie, In theory, this is very similar to tying shoelaces, To learn this gentlemans technique, I put these simple 9-step guides together。

  The dark blue suit is actually very easy to match, Basically, what color mens tie is suitable, mainly depends on what effect you want, If you want to be more formal, then the same color, black, gray and silver are very good choices; a little more fashionable, then choose a tie with a sense of design, stripes, patterns and other ties with a suit will look very retro gentleman; dark red Tie is also very suitable for matching blue suits, the atmosphere is gentleman full range。正确的剪裁纹路及合适的布料会直接影响领带的外观,不当的布料或内里缝制都会让领带无法拥有均衡的美感。桑蚕丝领带的清洗[干洗领带]:可取药棉球蘸少许酒精或汽油,轻轻擦拭,可除污迹,然后垫上一块湿白布,用电熨斗熨烫;熨烫时的温度要由领带所使用的材料来决定;化纤织物熨时温度不可过高(70℃以下);毛绸的温度可高一些(170℃以下)。大端在前,小端在后,交叉叠放,然后将大端绕到小端之后, 继续将大端在正面从右手边翻到左手边,重复第1步,再次从左边将大端翻到内侧,重复第二步,再次将大端从右侧翻出,把大端翻到领带结之下,并从领口位置翻出,形成双环,再将大端插入先前形成的环中,注意与其他不同的是,是插入两圈圆环之中,系紧,完成。



  INS风领带,Instagram这个软件在现在人生活中越来越火,不单单是因为它是一个社交软件,更因为它能推荐大家好的东西,现在推荐大家几款能在ins上流行的领带,走休闲风,时尚风,很适用于当下的年轻人,汉森领带的休闲领带走在时尚的前沿,总能找到你想要的款。How to tie a tie:Step 1: The end of the collar bandwidth is in front, and the narrow end is placed behind, The wide end becomes the big end, and the narrow end becomes the small end,Step 2: Wind the big end behind the little end as shown,Step 3: Fold the big end up,Step 4: Turn left at the neckline,Step 5: Turn the big end to the right,Step 6: Turn the big end to the left,Step 7: Turn the big end to the right again,Step 8: Turn the big end out of the neckline,Step 9: Tie and finish。

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