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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-09-28 21:49:55浏览量:80

  领带是职场男士必不可缺的饰物,是精英男士商务着装最能显示个性的部分,一条出彩的往往能使白领男士的着装亮丽出彩,通常领带的尺寸以其下摆最宽部分的宽度标记,尺寸从7厘米-12厘米,目前在国内市场上通常见到的都是11-12厘米的较宽领带,而随着细版领带的日益流行,8-10厘米的窄领带日趋普及,并且受到年轻男士的青睐。大印花领带在碎花衬衫映衬下独领风骚,KEY WORDS深蓝色印花领带+淡紫印花衬衫+暗格纹西装,搭配心经:深蓝色的印花领带十分抢眼,不适合再搭配过于花哨的元素,因此衬衫应尽量选择净色或者不明显的小印花款,西装的花纹亦应淡化,总之视觉重点应放在领带上,时尚配件,品位尽显。

  How to tie the men tie,Ties are a fashion necessity for men, They often wear them to work, in job interviews or other occasions, such as weddings or funerals, Some jobs even require women to wear a tie, However, many men and women do not actually know how to tie a tie, Tying a tie is not as difficult as it seems,Tie the tie around the back of the neck and hang the ends at the chest, Adjust the tie so that the wide end is about a foot longer than the thin end。交叉结这是对于单色素雅质料且较薄领带适合选用的领结,对于喜欢展现流行感的男士不妨多加使用。The dark blue suit is actually very easy to match, Basically, what color mens tie is suitable, mainly depends on what effect you want, If you want to be more formal, then the same color, black, gray and silver are very good choices; a little more fashionable, then choose a tie with a sense of design, stripes, patterns and other ties with a suit will look very retro gentleman; dark red Tie is also very suitable for matching blue suits, the atmosphere is gentleman full range。How to tie a tie:Step 1: The end of the collar bandwidth is in front, and the narrow end is placed behind, The wide end becomes the big end, and the narrow end becomes the small end,Step 2: Wind the big end behind the little end as shown,Step 3: Fold the big end up,Step 4: Turn left at the neckline,Step 5: Turn the big end to the right,Step 6: Turn the big end to the left,Step 7: Turn the big end to the right again,Step 8: Turn the big end out of the neckline,Step 9: Tie and finish。

  不宜搭配浅色领带,因为衬衫本身主色调已经是浅色系,单纯为了顾及领口的色调搭配,就会使领带与衬衫撞色,反而淡化了领带的装饰效果,选择比领口稍微浅一些的深色系领带较为适宜,除了能与领口区分出层次感之外,也能跟衬衫有不错的搭配效果。休闲场合男士领带早已不像从前只有束缚的感觉,日常生活也有领带发挥的余地,日常上班或是非正式场合中,可以选择独特又浪漫的针织领带。Blue tie--Navy and dark blue are suitable for formal occasions,Light blue even powdery blue can add cheerful, nifty feeling to your dress up, suit the tie that makes bank personnel。

  今年5月,汉森领带公司成功地为日本的鹿儿岛大学(Kagoshima UNVI,)定做一批标记领带,1949年,该校由第七高等学校、鹿儿岛师范学校、鹿儿岛县女子师范学校、鹿儿岛青年师范学校、鹿儿岛农林专门学校、鹿儿岛水产专门学校合并而设立,该领带采用100%真丝材质,长度是148厘米,领带最宽处是8,5厘米,酒红色的底色,配以粗细交替的白色条纹,整体花型显得既稳重,又高档。领带不宜在阳光下曝晒,否则会造成丝质泛黄,影响美观,领带长期不用,存放前最好将它熨烫一次,以达到杀虫灭菌的目的,存放领带要保持干燥。

  双环结就是加强版的四手结(four-in-hand),适用于细领带,一质地细致的丝质领带加上双环结能营造时尚感,适合年轻的上班族,亚伯特王子结(the Prince Albert)就是加强版的四手结,适用于细领带,一条质地细致的丝质领带加上高领座的衬衫领。[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]半温莎结让男性看起来有风度更有自信。四手结通过四个步骤就能完成打结,故名为四手结,它是最便捷的领带系法,适合宽度较窄的领带,搭配窄领衬衫,风格休闲,适用于普通场合。

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