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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-10-07 16:36:49浏览量:94

  第4步:再绕一圈;系双温莎结,1,提起衬衫领子,把领带绕在脖子上,左边的部分比较薄,将宽边的末端置于窄边末端以下12英寸处;2,宽的一边越过窄的一边,将宽边向上折叠并置于领子和领带之间的环内,使其位于左侧;3,向右拉宽边,从窄边下面拉,把它包起来,盖住环,然后向右拉;4,把宽边包在窄边上,然后把它折到领子下面,将较宽的部分穿过领带的结再向下滑动;5,抓住领带的结,向上拉,直到它位于你的衣领之间想要的位置,把你的衣领向下折起来,盖住领结。1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。





  素有造型美天才之称的汉森领带,对于线条的结构拿捏得恰如其分;精巧的手工,更使得设计者可以充分发挥几何与不对称的剪裁,这也是汉森领带样式上的一大特色。四手结(单结)是所有领结中最容易上手的,适用於各种款式的浪漫系列衬衫及领带,浪漫是一种完美的结型,故适合用於各种浪漫系列的领口及衬衫,完成後将领结下方之宽边压以绉摺可缩小其结型 窄边亦可将它往左右移动使其小部份出现於宽边领带旁。选购时要先了解男士领带的品牌有哪些,了解品牌才能更好的选择,还要看它是否平直,如果是尼龙针织或织锦领带,还要看有无漏针、针距是否匀称、图案有无走纱等,真丝或呢绒领带,里布与面料应该粘服、平整无起皱,如果平脚的,要看是否平齐,尖脚的脚尖要正中对称,不要偏在一边。Double Windsor Knot,When you dress up for an important day, a suitable tie benefits from a well-designed knot, such as a double Windsor knot, This knot is slightly wider than most knots and has a triangular shape, Suitable for men wearing long sleeve shirts and long necks, When you want to impress people, this knot will make you different。

  1, Big end first, small end rear, stacked crosswise, Then wrap the big end after the little end,2, Continue turning the big end on the front side from the right hand side to the left hand side,3, Repeat step 1, Turn the big end to the inside again from the left,4, Repeat the second step, Turn the big end out from the right again,5, Turn the big end under the tie and turn it out from the neckline to form a double loop,6, Insert the big end into the previously formed ring, Note that the difference is that it is inserted into the two rings and fastened to complete。What tie is the atmosphere of a black suit and a white shirt? Of course its polka dots, the thick retro feelings are coming, it is chic and elegant, and it looks super atmospheric。Tie always plays a leading role, because it is an eye-catching part of clothing, Generally speaking, the focus should be on the matching of neckties and suit tops, From a more particular point of view, the color of the top should become the basic color of the tie,Choose a shirt again,Once the tie is matched with the top, choosing the shirt is all right, In general, the color of the shirt should match one of the colors the tie last wanted,Generally speaking, the pattern on the tie should be more conspicuous than on the shirt, Sometimes, you can choose shirts and ties with distinctive patterns, However, dont let the pattern on the shirt over the tie。男人秋季必备单品--转眼已是九月,南方还是凉风刚至,北方却已秋意甚浓,季节交替,睿智的男人都懂得未雨绸缪,以备猝不及防的冷空气突然来袭,现在正是备秋装的好时候。

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