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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-10-12 19:11:39浏览量:97

  “We see guys wearing their tie bar too high or too low all the time, The rule is simple: It goes between the third and fourth buttons of your dress shirt,"。我们看到男人们总是戴着领带夹太高或太低,其实规则很简单:它位于西服衬衫的第三和第四纽扣之间,这听起来似乎很明显,但是领带夹不仅将男士西服领带的前端夹在后端,它还将两端固定在衬衫的门襟上,然后,切勿佩戴比男士西服领带宽的领带夹,那是糟糕的!双环结--一条质地细致的领带再搭配上双环结颇能营造时尚感,适合年轻的上班族选用,打这个领带结的要诀:该领带打法完成的特色就是第1圈会稍露出于第2圈之外,千万别刻意给盖住了。


  Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。虽然说男装领带对于大家都不陌生,但是要问你领带会不会搭配,很多人摇头,其实领带的搭配同样重要,场合、西装颜色、款式等等,都是男装领带搭配时需要考虑的问题。汉森领带的颜色和图案也很多,能搭出各种风格,[点击查看汉森男士领带定制产品]图案生动有趣,让呆板的正装看上去不那么无聊,从汉森开始卖领带以来,贵族名流就是他家的老主顾,汉森男士领带真的是身份和品位的象征。

  5、西服袖口商标一定要剪掉;1, Lift the collar of the shirt and wrap the tie around the neck, The left part is relatively thin, Place the end of the wide side 12 inches below the end of the narrow side,2, The wide side crosses the narrow side, Fold the wide side up and place it in the loop between the collar and tie so that it is on the left side,3, Pull the wide side to the right and the narrow side from below, Wrap it, cover the ring, and pull to the right,4, Wrap the wide side on the narrow side, and then fold it under the collar, Slide the wider part through the tie of the tie and slide it down,5, Grasp the tie of the tie and pull upward until it is in the desired position between your collars, Fold your collar down and cover the bow tie。针织黑领带绝配红格衬衫,KEY WORDS 黑色针织领带+黑色西装+暗红色大衣,搭配心经传统的男士三件套总是一副正经面孔,毫无个性可言,其实将西装版型再收得修身一点,领带不妨试试针织面料,大衣也大可抛开黑色和西装领,暗红色和双排扣没准更适合你,红色小格子衬衫也是搭配中的点睛之笔,与黑色西装领带的组合更觉时髦。宽肩、棱角分明脸型的新郎,可以选择丝绸面料,切割分明的几何图形,底色和图案对比强烈的领带,体型和五官没有明显倾向,比较温和,幽默具有活力的新郎则可以选择不规则图案或者粗细相间条纹的领带。

  搭配服装时,应该考虑到每一个细节,大多数人最适合的颜色如黑色,灰色,海军蓝这些颜色更高贵,而且更容易搭配大多数衬衫和领带,衬衫、领带、西装以及其他一切,每一件物品都应该与其他的存在一定的关系,这就像感情关系中的伴侣双方,没有交流,就没有和谐。The gentleman-like blue suit is a must-have item for a sportsman, Whether it is attending a business occasion or attending an important banquet, a blue suit can make you show the charm of mature men, So, how does a blue suit match a mens tie? Lets take a look at the picture of blue suit with mens tie。虽然说男装领带对于大家都不陌生,但是要问你领带会不会搭配,很多人摇头,其实领带的搭配同样重要,场合、西装颜色、款式等等,都是男装领带搭配时需要考虑的问题。深蓝色的西装其实十分好搭,基本上搭配什么颜色的男装领带都是适合的,主要看你想要什么效果,如果你想要正式一点,那么同色系,黑灰银都是很不错的选择;稍微时尚一点,那么选择有设计感的红色点点、条纹、格子领带搭配西装会显得十分的复古绅士;深红领带也是十分适合配蓝色西装的,大气绅士度十足范。

  High-grade tie where have goods to pay wholesale,After years of development, necktie has become a must for men to reflect gentlemanly demeanor, which determines the direction of the overall style in subtle points,If you want to use a tie to improve your temperament and style, look for shops on 1688, taobao and alibaba。千鸟格印花早已成为经典花色,搭配净色西装便足够时尚,如果你想挑战一下自己的搭配功力,大可将它与印花、条纹或格纹巧妙组合,要想花中取胜,一定要掌握好节奏感,图案的大小,彩色的间隔,都应有张有弛,切忌密密麻麻一大片,把自己搞得如同花蝴蝶。

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