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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-11-27 21:21:03浏览量:93



  Match a dark blue tie with a white shirt and gray suit,If you want to give off a summer scent, a blue tie and a white shirt go well together,Blue is calming and is associated with trust, intelligence and confidence -- which is exactly what you need if you want to impress。打领带要注意领带的长度,可能因为身高的不同领带在不同的人身上会有不一样的长短效果,按照最简单的标准就是领带的宽的一头系好之后正好在腰间的位置,对于身高比较矮的可能出现窄头长过宽头的情况,只需要把窄头塞进裤子里就好了。休闲西装搭配领带随意性就要很高,我比较喜欢撞色的搭配方法,利用领带的颜色来达到吸睛的效果,起到四两拨千斤的作用。For more formal occasions, why not wear a gray suit and white shirt with a black tie?It is intelligent, elegant and authoritative,If youre feeling brave, try a printed or patterned tie with a gray suit,These mens ties will make you stand out and add color and detail to your appearance。

  How do you tie a gray suit,A gray suit is a wardrobe staple, and its a big change from a black suit,But if you wear it often, you will also feel monotonous, today special arrangement of some fashion collocation,Look at these suits and mens ties, and you wont get lost in the suits, shirts and mens ties。穿正装系领带,领带结要挺括、端正,领带结要挺括、端正,外观一般呈倒三角形,忌不扣衬衫扣就佩戴领带。

  Who says tie can only match suit? In this age, mixing is king, Playful casual wear with a bright color, or fashionable cotton tie, very personality, Want to be different, casual wear and casual tie up。Although mens ties are not new to everyone, I would like to ask you if they will tie, Many people shake their heads, In fact, the tie of the tie is also important, The occasion, suit color, style, etc, are all issues that need to be considered when matching mens tie , So how do you put on a blue suit。袖口的选择和佩戴,袖扣是用在专门的袖扣衬衫上,代替袖口扣子部分的,它的大小和普通的扣子相差无几,却因为精美的材质和造型,更多的造型款式和个性化需求的定制,很好的起到装饰的作用,在不经意间,让男人原本单调的礼服和西装风景无限,袖扣需要将衬衫或者西装的袖子的领子卷起然后夹住,这时候袖子就变成了扁的,需要袖子比较宽松时才用得到袖扣,大多都是在商务场合搭配西服时使用,属于商务装的配件之一。办公的场合:白色衬衫搭配透明色或深蓝色袖扣、领带建议选用深蓝色或黑色,会产生令人信赖的感觉;竞争的场合:深蓝色粗直条纹衬衫搭配金属质感袖扣、领带选用暗色系,易制造信服人的效果;派对的场合:粉色衬衫搭配深色系袖扣、搭配牛津风斜条纹领带,有让人放松,休闲的感觉;欢乐的场合:粉色衬衫搭配金属色袖扣、领带选用粉紫双色列可以让自己更显得活力无限;重要的场合:灰色衬衫搭配银色袖扣、用亮银单色领带,有沉穏高贵的效果,亦有形象加分效!

  How to tie the men tie,Ties are a fashion necessity for men, They often wear them to work, in job interviews or other occasions, such as weddings or funerals, Some jobs even require women to wear a tie, However, many men and women do not actually know how to tie a tie, Tying a tie is not as difficult as it seems,Tie the tie around the back of the neck and hang the ends at the chest, Adjust the tie so that the wide end is about a foot longer than the thin end。In addition, you can choose from some high-quality tie brands, such as kinglion, Babel, youngor and so on。What kind of shirt and tie does a black suit look good on,Generally speaking, the white shirt is very good to wear on every man, suitable for all occasions, and will not be outdated, It matches well with bold tie of various colors or patterns, It is more perfect to wear a black suit。



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