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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-11-27 21:28:49浏览量:77

  西装的确有型,但在搭配上却要极其小心。Tie always plays a leading role, because it is an eye-catching part of clothing, Generally speaking, the focus should be on the matching of neckties and suit tops, From a more particular point of view, the color of the top should become the basic color of the tie,Choose a shirt again,Once the tie is matched with the top, choosing the shirt is all right, In general, the color of the shirt should match one of the colors the tie last wanted,Generally speaking, the pattern on the tie should be more conspicuous than on the shirt, Sometimes, you can choose shirts and ties with distinctive patterns, However, dont let the pattern on the shirt over the tie。牛仔系列领带,牛仔面料有很强的通用性,它是国内外服装消费者所青睐的时装之一,牛仔面料一年四季都是流行色,因此推出了一个牛仔系列的领带来满足年轻人对时尚的追求,休息日外出游玩,参加朋友聚会的时候很适合佩戴,休闲俏皮又不失礼节,经典款永远都不过时。


  宽肩、棱角分明脸型的新郎,可以选择丝绸面料,切割分明的几何图形,底色和图案对比强烈的领带,体型和五官没有明显倾向,比较温和,幽默具有活力的新郎则可以选择不规则图案或者粗细相间条纹的领带。Who says tie can only match suit? In this age, mixing is king, Playful casual wear with a bright color, or fashionable cotton tie, very personality, Want to be different, casual wear and casual tie up。新郎领带常见的颜色搭配方法:1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。

  由于要凸显出鲜明的个人风尚,多以尖领和浪漫扣领来增添上身轮廓线条,烘托质感,由于衣领较为紧束且领口窄小,因此领带的质料应注重柔软轻薄,在领带的打法方面,可以用领结体积较小但形状灵巧的亚伯特王子结来勾勒出浪漫情调,这种领带的打法步骤少,并且不会以过大的领结充斥在领口,造成臃肿不透气的视觉印象。灰色西装如何搭配领带,一套灰色西装是衣橱里的必备品,它相比于黑色西装有很大的变化,但如果你经常穿它,你也会觉得单调,今天特别整理了一些时尚搭配,看看这些西装和男装领带的搭配,你就不会迷失在西装、衬衫和男装领带的搭配中。大端在前,小端在后,交叉叠放,然后将大端绕到小端之后, 继续将大端在正面从右手边翻到左手边,重复第1步,再次从左边将大端翻到内侧,重复第二步,再次将大端从右侧翻出,把大端翻到领带结之下,并从领口位置翻出,形成双环,再将大端插入先前形成的环中,注意与其他不同的是,是插入两圈圆环之中,系紧,完成。

  1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。第2步:大端绕过右领口向下抽出;第3步:形成双环。


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