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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-12-03 22:39:14浏览量:73


  What tie looks good with white shirt and black suit,The answer is: striped mens tie,Stripes have a fashion charm that never goes out of fashion, Whether on a star-studded T-stage or a variety of creative streets, the stripes never fade out of sight; it is easy to wear and has a distinct personality, When you are faced with many clothing models, you can easily solve the stripes element Your troubles make you easily out of position, Especially the diagonal stripe style, the color is low-key and not exaggerated, suitable for many occasions。汉森领带甄选高端时尚面料,并以几十年精湛工艺赋予男性配饰独特的成熟气量,本品与正装服饰合理搭配,即刻使您的个人魅力彰显无余。Here is a visual guide how to make a dimple in your tie so that the tie looks more visually attractive。

  1, Pull up the collar and put the bow tie around your neck, One side should be 4-5 inches lower than the other, Then cross the longer end to the shorter end,2, Make a knot, just like tying shoelaces,3, Put your finger on the half-knot and keep it tight, Then fold the short end of the bow tie in half, It should start to look like a bow tie,4, Take the bow tie at the longer end and fold it over half,5, Now fold the bow tie in half,6, Just like you tie your shoelaces, pass the bow tie through the loop behind the bow tie, By pushing and pulling,7, Pull [push] halfway,8, Pull on both sides of the bow and tighten, As a little trick, pass your index finger through each ring and pull outward,9, Pull hard to ensure the bow tie is tight, Then look at your collar, you just finished your gourd bow tie,Congratulations。Here is a visual guide how to make a dimple in your tie so that the tie looks more visually attractive。


  INS风领带,Instagram这个软件在现在人生活中越来越火,不单单是因为它是一个社交软件,更因为它能推荐大家好的东西,现在推荐大家几款能在ins上流行的领带,走休闲风,时尚风,很适用于当下的年轻人,汉森领带的休闲领带走在时尚的前沿,总能找到你想要的款。How to tie the men tie,Ties are a fashion necessity for men, They often wear them to work, in job interviews or other occasions, such as weddings or funerals, Some jobs even require women to wear a tie, However, many men and women do not actually know how to tie a tie, Tying a tie is not as difficult as it seems,Tie the tie around the back of the neck and hang the ends at the chest, Adjust the tie so that the wide end is about a foot longer than the thin end。

  Many guys just avoid mixing a patterned tie with a patterned shirt, because they are afraid they’ll end up looking like a layman, Here are some tips explaining how you can make pattern-on-pattern combinations that actually work。领带是的眼睛,一位男士穿一套好西装再配上一条漂亮领带,就会使整装“靓”起来,领带按质料一般有人造丝、真丝绸、司、毛凡尔丁、织锦、呢绒等的领带,衬里为细布或细麻;按型有平脚、尖脚、小型柔姿领带等。


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