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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-12-09 17:59:31浏览量:69

  Vary pattern size/scale, In other words, the patterns on your tie should be larger and bolder that the patterns on your shirt, For example, a thick wide-striped tie would work with a thin-striped shirt, but not with a thick wide-striped shirt, Having patterns of the same size (or type) can result in an overly busy look。A solid tie on a patterned shirt is one of the easiest ways to work patterns into your outfit, Here’s what you must remember: match the colour of your solid tie to the colour family of one or more of the colours in your shirt pattern, For example, a dark blue tie works well with a blue striped shirt。

  领带什么牌子好,来看看汉森男士领带吧,领带是男人专属的服装搭配饰品,一条好的领带可以显示出一个男人的地位和品味,随着男士们对领带的要求越来越高,男士领带品牌也变得越来越多。In recent years, more and more men in the workplace have begun to like the light blue shirt as an inner tie, with a formal suit jacket,However, the question of what suit and tie to wear on the light blue shirt is really a problem for many men, The following sets of photos let you know about suits and ties。

  黑西装白衬衣搭配什么领带好看,(汉森领带)灰领带--灰色和黑色的接近使这个组合在任何商业环境下都是一个明智的选择,配上一件清爽的白衬衫,你的领带的灰色色调可以从深色到几乎是银色,而不会显得格格不入,你的领带应该与翻领的比例相称,同样,避免闪亮的材料。主题领带,从上世纪40年代的上面有棕榈树和落日的夏威夷主题领带,一直到来自卢浮宫的蒙娜丽莎的纪念领带:在各种不同的审美趣味中,从拙劣的低档货到高级的艺术品中都有主题领带。For more formal occasions, why not wear a gray suit and white shirt with a black tie?It is intelligent, elegant and authoritative,If youre feeling brave, try a printed or patterned tie with a gray suit,These mens ties will make you stand out and add color and detail to your appearance。穿正装系领带,宽的一片必须略长于底下窄的一片但不论哪种系扎方法,领带系好后,两端都应自然下垂,上面宽的一片必须略长于底下窄的一片,绝不能相反,当然上片也不宜长出过多,致使带尖压住裤腰甚至垂至裤腰之下而不雅。

  Use contrasting colour combinations, If you wear a solid white, light blue or pink shirt, you can choose any colour solid tie you like, Using contrasting colours, you can make your outfit pop with a bit more colour。它非常适合细领带、优质的丝织品和敞开的衣领,如其名看起来小,因此适合厚的领带(例如丝织品)和紧扣的衣领,注意别忘记将领带的一部分翻转180度,这种结做起来非常容易。正常领带的宽度在8cm,有些窄领带可以到5cm,当然也有宽度更宽的领带但是比较少见,窄领带比较休闲,也是这几年的流行趋势,很多人认为有了窄领带就是一种时尚,而领带的宽窄的选择其实跟人的体型、衬衫领和西装领的宽度都有关系。分步领带打结法:领带是男人的时尚必需品,他们经常穿着它们去工作,在工作面试或其他场合,如婚礼或葬礼,有些工作甚至要求女性打领带,然而,许多男人和女人实际上并不知道如何打领带,系领带并不像看上去那么难。

  交叉结(Cross Knot)的结型非常的漂亮,适合现在在年轻人中比较流行窄款素色领带;领结形状呈一个细长的锐角三角形,显出一种干练精致的感觉,而且在这种打法下,表面呈一个交叉的“×”状,平添一份玩味,对于不甘于枯燥的职业化打扮的男士来说,是一个很不错的选择。今年5月,汉森领带公司成功地为日本的鹿儿岛大学(Kagoshima UNVI,)定做一批标记领带,1949年,该校由第七高等学校、鹿儿岛师范学校、鹿儿岛县女子师范学校、鹿儿岛青年师范学校、鹿儿岛农林专门学校、鹿儿岛水产专门学校合并而设立,该领带采用100%真丝材质,长度是148厘米,领带最宽处是8,5厘米,酒红色的底色,配以粗细交替的白色条纹,整体花型显得既稳重,又高档。

  虽然说男装领带对于大家都不陌生,但是要问你领带会不会搭配,很多人摇头,其实领带的搭配同样重要,场合、西装颜色、款式等等,都是男装领带搭配时需要考虑的问题。The dark blue suit is actually very easy to match, Basically, what color mens tie is suitable, mainly depends on what effect you want, If you want to be more formal, then the same color, black, gray and silver are very good choices; a little more fashionable, then choose a tie with a sense of design, stripes, patterns and other ties with a suit will look very retro gentleman; dark red Tie is also very suitable for matching blue suits, the atmosphere is gentleman full range。

  黑领结与白衬衫的经典相遇,KEY WORDS 黑色领结+白衬衫+黑色马甲+黑色礼服,搭配心经 黑色礼服、马甲、丝质领结加白衬衫的组合十足经典,虽无太大新意,却是正式宴会场合的常青之选,考究得体,不会出错,如担心过于老套,不妨在西装、马甲及衬衫的细节设计上寻求新意,较修身、窄领的设计颇受时尚男士宠爱,衬衫上加点华丽的褶皱、荷叶边更添贵族气质。第1步:如图将领带大端叠放于小端,并向后绕小端一圈!

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