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作者:汉森发表时间:2021-12-17 16:27:33浏览量:67

  Match a dark blue tie with a white shirt and gray suit,If you want to give off a summer scent, a blue tie and a white shirt go well together,Blue is calming and is associated with trust, intelligence and confidence -- which is exactly what you need if you want to impress。How do you tie a gray suit,A gray suit is a wardrobe staple, and its a big change from a black suit,But if you wear it often, you will also feel monotonous, today special arrangement of some fashion collocation,Look at these suits and mens ties, and you wont get lost in the suits, shirts and mens ties。汉森男士领带,从材质、工艺、设计上来看,都比一般的领带品牌高级,很多工作者上班是常年要穿正装的,有重要会议或是在外面见合作伙伴都会配汉森领带。

  For more formal occasions, why not wear a gray suit and white shirt with a black tie?It is intelligent, elegant and authoritative,If youre feeling brave, try a printed or patterned tie with a gray suit,These mens ties will make you stand out and add color and detail to your appearance。大端在前,小端在后,交叉叠放,然后将大端绕到小端之后, 继续将大端在正面从右手边翻到左手边,重复第1步,再次从左边将大端翻到内侧,重复第二步,再次将大端从右侧翻出,把大端翻到领带结之下,并从领口位置翻出,形成双环,再将大端插入先前形成的环中,注意与其他不同的是,是插入两圈圆环之中,系紧,完成。Where can you buy the conference ties,Mens dress collocation, tie and suit shirt can be said to be the focus of the whole body, Choosing a decent business tie can become your own tool in the workplace, highlighting the charm of your ingenious gentleman, otherwise it will fall into the embarrassment of modeling, So what tie do you wear for occasions like business meetings and annual meetings, Generally speaking, choose business ties with no logo or twill rules with company marks, which are not only mature, stable, and generous, but suitable for business negotiation, business visit, hosting, and speech occasions。


  Vary pattern size/scale, In other words, the patterns on your tie should be larger and bolder that the patterns on your shirt, For example, a thick wide-striped tie would work with a thin-striped shirt, but not with a thick wide-striped shirt, Having patterns of the same size (or type) can result in an overly busy look。由 Jerry Pratt 发明的打法,因为 Don Shelby 长打绍此领结出现于电视节目中,因此而广为人知,但也因为这样,有些人误以为 Don Shelby 是发明者,故有时候也称之为谢尔比结,普瑞特结为后期近代的打法,在绑领带时,少了一个缠绕,看起来不太宽也不太窄,简约、精巧美观,适合配宽角领衬衫。


  西装大家都会穿,但在很多适合穿西装的场合,面对版型颜色相似度99%的西装,不是资深玩家根本无法了解西装从细节里透出的品味,这时候,一条抢眼的男士领带就可以让你成为那不一样的1%,和他们划清界限。How to tie a tie:Step 1: The end of the collar bandwidth is in front, and the narrow end is placed behind, The wide end becomes the big end, and the narrow end becomes the small end,Step 2: Wind the big end behind the little end as shown,Step 3: Fold the big end up,Step 4: Turn left at the neckline,Step 5: Turn the big end to the right,Step 6: Turn the big end to the left,Step 7: Turn the big end to the right again,Step 8: Turn the big end out of the neckline,Step 9: Tie and finish。休闲场合男士领带早已不像从前只有束缚的感觉,日常生活也有领带发挥的余地,日常上班或是非正式场合中,可以选择独特又浪漫的针织领带。

  领带如何搭配纯白衬衫--纯白衬衫可以跟大部分的深色领带搭配出理想效果,不过需要注意的是,胸前装饰有条纹褶皱的宫廷复古式衬衫,对于领带的线条感要求十分严苛,传统的上细下宽的粗领带会破坏这种衬衫营造出来的优雅气质,应改换成线条匀称细致的窄领带,并尽量以纯色勾勒质感。领带如何搭配单穿的衬衫--由于要凸显出鲜明的个人风尚,多以尖领和浪漫扣领来增添上身轮廓线条,烘托质感,由于衣领较为紧束且领口窄小,因此领带的质料应注重柔软轻薄,在领带的打法方面,可以用领结体积较小但形状灵巧的亚伯特王子结来勾勒出浪漫情调,这种领带的打法步骤少,并且不会以过大的领结充斥在领口,造成臃肿不透气的视觉印象。Use different pattern types, Avoid using the same pattern in both your shirt and your tie, If you have a striped shirt, don’t pair it with a striped tie。


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